Monday, February 13, 2012

I spoke up

What a great weekend.  I ran a charity poker tournament to benefit a small local charity.  Had so many friends come and play - raised money and had a fantastic time!  Yesterday was wonderful because we had no commitments - no sports.  Just a day at home and dinner with my brother's family.

And then we rolled into bed and I told my husband what I wanted.  I have been married for almost 22 years now and I have been with my husband for more than 24 years.  I have never ever - even when asked been able to find my voice when it comes to what I want.  Now it isn't like I was sitting in the directors chair giving a lot of direction here - I said one thing.  But I said it, and from his reaction - he really loved that I spoke up.

Remember I am celebrating the little accomplishments here and trying to work the good things in so they become regular (but not routine and boring).  So I think my goal will be to try to throw in some specific want at least once a week.  Most of the time I get everything I want - my husband is very generous and tuned in to what I like.    This again is going to be a challenge for me, but after seeing the reaction last night I think it is a definite win/win.



  1. I'd really encourage you to get your husband a copy of Athol's book. I think you'll find that it takes a lot of the stress off of you if your husband understands his role adequately, and MMSL is probably the best possible guide for that.

  2. Really enjoyed the little bits of Athol's blog today - and will most likely be reading and sharing the book soon. What started as a simple resolution is really morphing into quite the adventure and I am eager to learn more! Enjoyed your blog as well. Thanks for reading and commenting - it is always good to hear what others think.
